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Painter Hourly Rate vs Project Quote

A painting contractor pouring white paint into a tray.

One of the most common questions when it comes to hiring a professional painter is: how much is it going to cost? While hiring an actual professional painter is going to save you money in the long run – not to mention deliver the best quality work possible – it’s still important to understand the difference between hourly rates, project quotes, and how it all interacts when it comes to determining the final cost.

What is the Average Hourly Rate for Painters?

Most professional painters charge anywhere between $2 to $6 per square foot of paintable area. In very rare situations they will charge anywhere from $20 to $50 an hour. This rate can be even higher in areas with high costs of living. About 85% of this cost is for labor, with the remaining 15% going to paint and other supplies.

Painting Project Quote

A contractor can usually quote you prices before beginning work. They have years of  experience and can break out this cost on project estimates. The quote is more than just a price. A professional will take measurements and use exact figures to help you know up front what the price per square foot is for your home so you can comparison shop.

How the Hourly Rate & Project Quote Interact

Most painter hourly rates range from $18-$45 per hour, but as a project develops, so does the estimate. Prices can change based on a number of factors such as the job demand, the painter’s experience, and the type of paint used. The size and scope of the project factor into what the final quote will be.

How Painters Determine Project Scope & Cost

A skilled estimator will assess your project’s specific needs and then write a detailed proposal showing the full scope of work with project details and pricing. This allows you to determine exactly what you would like to be painted, and what – if anything – should be excluded. 

Summary of Painter Hourly Rate & Project Quote

As you can see, hiring a professional is the best way to get a clear picture of how much a project will cost. With a quote, items are itemized to let you know how much of the costs are for prep work, supplies, and labor. An itemized receipt may give you opportunities for a lower price, and the option to buy the supplies yourself ahead of time. Quotes also include terms and a guarantee, as well as proof that the professional is insured and bonded.

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